Thursday 19 April 2018

design development

from the first developments of the chosen advertisements, using visual evidence, specifically humour in order to persuade the consumer to buy Ariel's 3 in 1 liquitabs. It was decided that the layout of the first poster worked best with the angle of looking down onto the plate, rather than the angle of the other two, of which perhaps don't make the advertisements as coherent as they could be. So with this in mind the 2nd and 3rd ideas were developed into having scenarios of which would look better looking down onto to. The scenarios were changed to having a situation of eating pizza on the sofa in your pyjamas and a top with chocolate cake at a party. With these change of situations it makes the target market broader because of the different types of people these advertisements appeal to, to which follows the briefs requirements to try and follow the trend of the increase trend of consumers switching from detergent to the more premium market of liquitabs. The three designs also now adopt a tagline to give more information into the reasoning of the designs, adding the coherence and gives more understand to the target audience. 

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